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Conférence de Karin HELMS à l’ULB Archi | Métiers du Paysage ASBL

Conférence de Karin HELMS à l’ULB Archi

info reçue de Didier VANCUTSEM :

7 le décembre 2017 , de 18.30 – 20.00h, à l’ULB Faculté Architecture

Place Flagey Bruxelles

Conférence de Karin HELMS à propos du futur des paysages culturels européens et l’avenir de la profession d’architecte du paysage en France et en Europe

Karin HELMS est Professeur à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage Versailles et membre de l’agence TER

Descriptif en anglais:
Europe’s cultural landscapes are under pressure due to economic and social developments – and more recently due to a much faster pace of climate change than in the past.
As a landscape architect I work with local actors or students to imagine their futures.
My contribution to the topic has been to use design to draw up a proactive strategy for preparing future changes, transformations, an acceptance of disappearances and the integration of new artefacts in large cultural landscapes.
The method draws on tacit knowledge and interpretative landscape reading to develop a 5- step method- The research methodology involved a self-conducted project in Northern Normandy with local actors and administrative as well as reflecting on various teaching experiences during different European workshops.
My contribution to the discipline is to highlight two factors – the role of a facilitator in designing large landscapes for and with locals and the testing of a tool used to activate landscape processes on a large scale. 
les conférences sont gratuites

info de Didier Vancutsem